Sunday, March 22, 2009


I just wrapped up a new project for my client down in Maryland, who previously commissioned the Avatar map and the White Lotus. This time, we decided on charcoal drawings based on the elemental symbols drawn by Iroh, the Dragon of the West. They're small and quick, but as always, they were tremendously fun to make.

On another note, apologies for the huge delay between updates. We just got a pair of dogs, and suffice to say they're a lot of work. Especially the puppy.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


From [3CH]: "An angry sentinel cuts in a temple."

Grunge texture courtesy of Princess of Shadows.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Giving the Space Buddha style another try.

Girl knights are fun to paint. Thanks to exit for the crit on the eyes.

Here are a few details.