Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wastelands S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Also known as the "Khyr-Garuke," as the natives call it. And sometimes known as "Grandpa Spaghetti-arms," though that usage is considered highly colloquial.

The sketch was inspired by this vignette, courtesy of English major and all-around-fascinating-person Ryuu. I think I inadvertently took some liberties with the design (chiefly the zomg monster feet), but hopefully it's close enough to the original to at least be classified as a genetic relative. And for the record, the claws are portrayed in their separated cross formation, not snapped together spear-shape.

(And yeah, sorry about the title pun. Nothing at all to do with the games; they've just been on the mind lately and I couldn't resist.)


Teal Deer said...

Oh goodness!

Well, the legs are indeed not in my original vision, but you really captured my intention here, especially in the shape of the head! marvelous, I love it. And I'm glad you liked the piece.


Patrick said...

Thanks, glad you like it! (And sorry again about flubbing the legs!)

Keep writing; I much admire your work.