Monday, June 22, 2009

In the Archives

Apologies for the lack of updates, but my new job has kept me pretty busy over the past month. Though I'm adjusting well to the work, it's taken a bit of a toll on the time and energy I usually reserve for art. So... progress on new things has been a bit slow lately. As in, you'll probably see Valve release Episode Three before I get around to doing more with that zombie monk.

That said, I'd still like to throw something up in the interminable span between New Stuff, so I'm forced to delve into the musty vault and post things from my school years. Be warned: stuff was a bit boring back then.

The fabled city of brass, Sansaret, which burns like a jewel in the setting sun. Or would, if I did any color back then.

A cloister from the city Lacrimae, rotting heir to a shattered empire. I was sort of going through a heavy Piranesi phase back then, but even so, architecture still daunts me.

A portrait of the Exarch, reigning despot of Lacrimae. Any similarities to Wolfe's Autarch or Gehn from Riven are, um, purely coincendental. Yes, that's it.

Also, I really sucked at paintovers back then.

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