Sunday, June 19, 2011

Second Act

Quick sketches of some old faces.


Girl, Japan said...

Gotta love badass ladies. Are these just sketches or will they evolve into larger works?

Patrick said...

Hey schols! How's that 3CH coming along?

I've often thought about expanding some of these, actually. So far, lack of time and motivation have been the major obstacles. Still, I've been thinking it would be better to give it a shot than keep making one-offs...

Girl, Japan said...

As for the 3CH....well, lack of time and motivation are issues here too. I feel your pain.

I've been researching a bit for my big 3CH, but it hasn't quite finished gestating yet. Soon! Within the next few weeks, I hope.

I'm going for it, so you should too! ;) Buckle down and do it!