Presenting Hephaestus, my first long-term digital painting since college.
It started out as an aborted pencil sketch which I then took into Photoshop and colored off and on over the next few weeks. The Grudemath sketches proved invaluable here; they were the testing grounds for a lot of the techniques I used while working on this piece. The real challenge was taking those concepts and pushing them towards something a little more finished-looking. I really had to resist the urge to overwork it, though.
Anyway, please enjoy. Comments and criticism are always appreciated.
Details at 100% magnification:

Hell yes giant steam robot! Excellent work Pat.
My one critique would be that I think the hammer-wielding guy's neck seems super thick. I love the expression on his face and how he's looking up at it. Just something about the neck anatomy throws me off.
Nothing that detracts from the work itself at all though! Righteous!
Hooray, comments! Thanks man!
Good catch on the hammer guy's neck -- I think I must have been a little lazy when I did it! I'll clarify that anatomy and throw up an edit later this week.
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