Saturday, December 24, 2011


Quick sketch. Even I got bored of it. Not a good sign.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Brienne of Tarth

Quick sketch. Finished the second book recently.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


A fanart of Timd from Kevin Snow's excellent Bravemule... which, incidentally, is updating again!

I tried to draw him in a Disciples II style, and it somehow morphed into a bad Vance Kovacs ripoff. I'm rusty.

EDIT: Timd's namesake is, of course, the talented Tim Denee, another veteran of illustrated Dwarf Fortress tales. (Thanks Kevin!)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Vagrant Squib

Fanart for one of my favorite characters from Bravemule, a terrific Dwarf Fortress story by Kevin Snow and George Kavallines. Also, a tribute to Akihiko Yoshida's cover art for Vagrant Story... although I really botched the style.

(Massive thanks to George and the rest of the Platformers for helping me fix her arms!)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Second Act

Quick sketches of some old faces.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

In Seclusion

An environment sketch loosely based on the Roussanou Monastery in Greece. The perspective is badly faked, I'm afraid.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Trying out a few things. Not sure if it's actually finished -- but I'm kind of tired of it, so good enough.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mount Beardmore

A little work I did for my buddies over at Nitrobeard, laserboxing emporium and classy Internet hangout extraordinaire. My friend Brian wanted me to draw something beard-related for the site, so I recommended hirsute versions of video game characters of the gang's choosing -- an idea I totally did not rip off of somewhere else. (Shyamalan tweest: Actually, I totally did.)

After some weeks of work, the final result was the image above. I would like to point out that this picture has both a bearded Grim Reaper and a bearded spaceship. I... should probably stop drawing things now.

Concept Work

For his beardatar, Brian selected the ever-classy Manny Calavera from the legendary PC adventure game Grim Fandango -- which, I shamefully admit, is the only game on this list I haven't personally played. Mind you, I'm fervently awaiting the day when GoG will help me correct this grievous personal failing, but at the very least I'm able to show my appreciation through fanart. That counts, right?

Wes selected Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII, which I thought was a joke until I realized the hidden genius of his choice. Of all of these characters, I fervently believe that Vincent is the one who most benefits from having a beard. Sadly, I fell a bit short of the Yoji Shinkawa-esque visions I had planned, but these were still a lot of fun to do. Thanks to Brian for the brilliant suggestion of weaving belts into the beard.

It's a little weird drawing a beloved character from your childhood, but that's exactly the situation I faced when Imran chose Mega Man. I somehow felt that I was failing the Blue Bomber in every sketch, and it didn't help that my messy style jostles uncomfortably with the anime cleanness of the source material.

Finding the right beard for Mega Man was also a little tricky; there's a fine line between something that looks comical and something that simply looks out-of-place. This immediately disqualified more realistic-looking beards, but I thought there was a little bit of potential to the Dr. Light puffball and the spiky anime beard. Eventually, we settled on a style I lifted straight from Alan Moore. I think it sort of makes him look like a little robotic berserker.

I actually think I could have done a passable job with Mark's first choice, Bayonetta. No really, hear me out! It's well-established that Bayonetta can effectively "shape" her long hair into whatever she wants -- hell, many of her standard attacks involve summoning huge demonic fists woven from her long-flowing locks. So it would actually be a fairly paltry matter for her to wrap her hair around her head in such a way that it resembles a mock-beard.

(Okay, okay, so I guess the world really doesn't want or need something as disturbing as a Beardanetta, but I'm just saying -- purely mechanically, of course -- that it could work.)


Anyway, Mark's real choice, Vic Viper of Gradius fame, turned out to be an inspired selection. Of course, it also left me with the task of figuring out how to put a beard on a spaceship. Somewhere along the line I got the idea of transforming parts of the ship itself into giant bladed tusks of hair, but we decided it would be simpler and funnier just to stick the damn thing right on the nose of the ship.

BONUS: Hastily-added monocle version!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I felt an urge to revisit this character when I saw her pop up in a recent Beardcast. This was originally going to be a quick doodle, but then I started emulating the colors in this fantastic Justin Cherry/Kevin Dalton collaboration. Things kind of snowballed from there.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Doom Duck

By popular demand -- which is to say, two commenters asked for it (thanks sQuiz and schols!) -- I decided to dig this one out of the trash and give it a quick paintover.

The prompt: "A weak blonde fanatic flees an old woman with a duck in the bamboo."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Housekeeping, part 2

More rough sketches and doodles from last year's trash drawer.

The buried dragon, yet another failed 3CH prompt.

Angelic concepts for a 3CH prompt that never got off the ground.

Maori concepts for another 3CH prompt that never got off the ground.

A man with an atrocious hat confides in a surgeon. You guessed it -- 3CH prompt.

A cowardly shamaness flees an old woman with a duck in a bamboo forest. Actually... maybe I should have finished this one.

A sketch of a girl! I know, right?

Girl with an axe. Barely started, but the rough outline is sort of interesting.

Pipsqueak knight.

Fanart concept for a [Let's Draw] thread over at the Platformers. Barely started.

Study of a Waterhouse painting.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sketchbook Project

Around the beginning of November, I signed up for the Sketchbook Project. My assigned theme was "Science project gone wrong," which I basically used as an excuse to sketch a lot of science-fiction tropes.

See, I haven't been completely slacking off. Just mostly.

(influenced by Jason Chan)

(influenced by Frazetta)

(influenced by DiTerlizzi)

(after Maknien)
(influenced by James Jean)

(Quick sketch: untimed)
(Quick sketch: 20 minutes)
(Quick sketch: 15 minutes)
(Quick sketch: untimed)
(Quick sketch: 10 minutes)
(Quick sketch: 10 minutes)
(Quick sketch: untimed)