Friday, January 7, 2011

Sketchbook Project

Around the beginning of November, I signed up for the Sketchbook Project. My assigned theme was "Science project gone wrong," which I basically used as an excuse to sketch a lot of science-fiction tropes.

See, I haven't been completely slacking off. Just mostly.

(influenced by Jason Chan)

(influenced by Frazetta)

(influenced by DiTerlizzi)

(after Maknien)
(influenced by James Jean)

(Quick sketch: untimed)
(Quick sketch: 20 minutes)
(Quick sketch: 15 minutes)
(Quick sketch: untimed)
(Quick sketch: 10 minutes)
(Quick sketch: 10 minutes)
(Quick sketch: untimed)


Girl, Japan said...

Lots of lovely pieces in here. Now just make sure to keep working those drawing muscles! ;)

Patrick said...

Thanks, schols!

::disappears without drawing anything for another six months::

Brian Belida said...

Already left a comment where you posted this elsewhere, but just had to do it again because it's some fantastic stuff!

Also have to give you high-fives for the Malcolm rendition in the post below. Got dang do I love dat Kyrandia.

Patrick said...

Thanks Brian!

Haha, glad you noticed Malcolm! I really need to get back into drawing up some Kyrandia stuff. Those old adventure games really had fantastic art.