In lieu of new stuff, here are a few more works from my school years.

A depiction of the Amphisbaena, one of the creation myths of this setting. I attempted to give it a proper coloring, but it wasn't going very well and I soon gave up. (This, of course, was long before I ubercharged my speedpainting skills with the

The Benediction, in which a vindictive Lacrimaean highcaste commissions a plainclothes assassin to settle an old score. Ironically, the classmates who posed for these sinister characters were incredibly nice people.
I remember these, good stuff. :D
Also this post made me go back and re-look at all the Grudemath stuff you did. So great, and such good times. :D
Wow, "The Benediction" is lovely. So much marvelous detail!
Thanks guys!
@Brian: Yeah, the Grudemath was awesome for a variety of reasons -- one of them being that I think it was a real turning point for my PS sketches. I think the "Surface Tension" picture was the first time I did something completely freehand on the computer.
And to think, it all started with Sarksus tripping over security lasers under Black Mesa!
@Schols: Thanks! I went really crazy with the pencils back in those days.
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