By popular demand -- which is to say, two commenters asked for it (thanks sQuiz and schols!) -- I decided to dig this one out of the trash and give it a quick paintover.
The prompt: "A weak blonde fanatic flees an old woman with a duck in the bamboo."

Yessssss! Doom duck is great, I really love all your 3CH exercises. Honestly I'm not sure how else something like this would have come to fruition in a visual medium.
Thanks Brian! Still shaking off the rust a little, but this one didn't turn out half bad. Thanks again for urging me to finish it!
Yeah, kind of amazing how a little thing like 3CH managed to have such a positive impact on my sketches. I just wish I could be this motivated about my own projects!
Perfect! I'm glad we pestered you into finishing it. :)
Thanks schols!
Speaking of pestering, why haven't you hopped back on the 3CH train yet? C'MONNN.
I actually HAVE been working on something (actually, a few things) lately, but I'm not quite confident enough to post them yet.
Soon, I promise!
Nice, that's awesome! Looking forward to them when they're done!
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