Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Domovoi: The Oven

The Domovoi, a Twine game by Kevin Snow, has been released. Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be posting my art and sketches from the game. If you haven't checked it out yet, please go take a look -- it's free and short!

Not much special to note about the oven. I referenced the style directly from the Russian oven page on Wikipedia, and would expand upon it later for the second title illustration. Also, watching The Godfather on TV was strangely helpful as I painted the latter two variants.

Concept artwork. The composition here is just a straightforward close-up of the main oven pit. I also tried to mimic the subdued earth tones in my TotFL references in the color test.

Final oven design. Although the empty oven is never shown in the final game, I sort of like the way it looks -- it has a desolate, abandoned quality to it.

A branch burning in the oven pit. This is the main illustration encountered in the course of the story.

The blazing oven. I'm not very experienced at painting fire, so I loosened up and tried more for expression than photo-realism.

The domovoi's remains. Finding references for this one was very unsettling.

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